BlueCielo ImandrA 2012 User's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: Working with documents in ImandrA > Checking out documents > Canceling check-out

Canceling check-out

Canceling check-out will restore the document to its prior revision and delete the local workspace copy of the document.

Warning    All changes made while the document was checked out will be lost and cannot be recovered!

To cancel check-out of a document:

  1. Right-click the checked-out document to be canceled and click Cancel Check Out on the shortcut menu. A confirmation dialog will appear, similar to the following figure.

  1. Click Yes to delete the local workspace copy of the document. Click No to proceed with canceling check-out but retain the local workspace copy. Click Cancel to abort the action.

Related tasks

Checking out documents

Checking in documents

Releasing documents

Adding a new revision

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